Monday, October 18, 2010

Week Four Weigh In

Well, I’ve made it three weeks, and now to start Week Four. Honestly, I wasn’t expecting much for this weigh-in. I spontaneously planned a quick trip to Yosemite this weekend and the food choices were pretty limited so I ended up eating more (BFC) carbohydrates than I should have mostly because protein and veggies were in limited supply.

So, here we go.

Today’s weight: 356.5
Total pounds lost: 10.5
Pounds lost last week: .5

Yah, that’s about what I thought. I guess I had the opinion that as long as I didn’t gain over the week that I’d be okay with it. So, no complaints from me.

Today I started the Fast Track plan. It’s been somewhat challenging for me because of the very low carbs today. I like my little snack I have every day and now I’m limited to a piece of dark chocolate (I have the 88%) and well, I wasn’t a big fan of dark chocolate to begin with, so the extreme dark chocolate isn’t a big treat for me. So bitter! But it’s good to know that if I need something, it is there as the option.

Today I measured my waist as part of the Fast Track plan and I’m happy to say that I’ve lost 1/2 inch off my waist and 1/2 inch of my stomach in the past two weeks! That would explain why some of my clothes are getting loser and the need for the belt. I also took some pictures in some tight clothing so I can see the difference at the end of the two week Fast Track. Jorge says we can lose up to 14 pounds if we follow the program exactly.

I’ll post an update by mid-week to report back in on how the Fast Track plan is going for me!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Jorge's Fast Track

I’m happy with my weight loss thus far but I had heard Jorge Cruise talk about his upcoming book about his Fast Track plan. I had basically been doing my own Fast Track Belly Fat Cure version, figuring that the plan was just less carbohydrate intake. I looked on Amazon to see when the release date was, and was surprised to see that it’s not scheduled to come out until Spring 2011! Wow, I can’t wait that long… so I went to his website to see if he had information about the plan posted somewhere.

Sure enough… love that man, the final draft of the book is available for reading online!! The link to the e-book is If you click the Full View it will open on your entire monitor and allow you to read it at whatever zoom preference you have. I absorbed the whole book in an hour (great book by the way Jorge!) and was extremely pleased with the simplicity of the Fast Track food plan.

So, I’ve made the commitment that this coming Monday I will fully commit myself to the Fast Track food plan for 14 days as suggested by Jorge. And by fully commit, I mean fully commit. None of this “open for interpretation” business. I will eat per the plan and see how my body responds weight-loss wise and energy wise. His book claims you can lose up to 14 pounds in a two week period. Since I have much weight to lose, I think that’s a good goal for me to strive for, but I’ll be happy if I’m in the ten pound plus weight loss range. That will make it beneficial for me.

After the 14 days are over, I’ll evaluate whether to continue on the Fast Track plan (he states that many people are so pleased with the results that they continue on it without any difficulty).

I’m excited about it! It’s more along the lines of what I think I should be eating, concentrating mostly on proteins (meats, cheeses) and vegetables. I don’t drink soda any longer and I’ve been without sugar for almost three weeks, so I don’t think I’ll go through any difficult withdrawal by removing some of the carbohydrates I’ve been eating recently.

He has a nice “Success Contract” in the book which goes like this:

I commit to following the Fast Track Menu and the principles of The Fast Track exactly for just 14 days, because my body and my life are worth it.

Regardless of all else, I commit to loving myself and my body, and to releasing the need for validation from others. Everything I need to be happy is already in my heart, and I will remember that not only for 14 days, but for the rest of my life.

I really like that contract… very positive! :) That’s what I need. No more beating myself up!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Yet another reason

I’ve been thinking a lot about the list of “reasons why this time it’s different” — which I guess is pretty similar to the list of “reasons why I must do this” and I had another wake-up call that relates to the original list.

The family went to a new friend’s 1st birthday party celebration on Sunday. It was like an all out bash at a play party place for kids of all ages. I knew my 15 month old wouldn’t get to play on everything, that’s fine. I was prepared for the display of cupcakes, candy, snacks, pizza, pasta and soda! Yes, I had a plan. I would cordially turn down a cupcake and instead focus my energy on my son’s enjoyment of his cupcake (only the 3rd in his life so far!). I was prepared for the uncomfortable feeling of spending time with a bunch of strangers except for the two new friends and their one year old. The thing I was not prepared for was the BOUNCY! Yep… the bouncy! My wake-up call.

Does anyone have any clue what the weight limit is on a BOUNCY? I certainly don’t but I knew I was above it. I ignored the bouncy for the first half hour, which wasn’t difficult because my son had no clue what it was. And then… it happened. The 40 year old (and skinny!) Aunt of the 1 year old was enjoying playing with the children, when she came up to me and said “I can take your son into the bouncy if you’d like”… dun dun dun. Of course I translated this to “You are too fat to take your own son into the bouncy, so I’d like to be nice and offer you my service of going into the bouncy with him in your place.” Actually, even though that is how I translated it in my head, I was very appreciative that she offered. The last thing I want is for my son to be held back from doing fun things because his mom is too fat! Right? Most of my life I’ve sat on the sidelines watching everyone else have fun, pretending like it was no big deal to not participate… but no way in hell will I subject my son to that same life! So I smiled and said “Oh that would be great! Sure!”

It popped into my head that I needed to blog about this experience because it was such an eye opener for me. I want my son to have every opportunity in this world, I do not want to hold him back. I don’t want to be the Mom on the sideline watching some stranger play with my son because I’m not able to do it.

Week Three Weigh-in

I will make it my goal to weigh in every Monday and post the results to this blog. My start date was on a Monday, so this will be accurate to a weekly weigh-in.

Today’s weight: 357
Total pounds lost: 10
Pounds lost last week: 4

I’m happy with this. Last week I felt so bloated and like I was retaining massive amounts of water so I didn’t think I’d be losing much at all this week. My goal is to lose 15 pounds a month. My prior weight loss I was able to keep to a 15 pound loss most months; some a little more, some a little less.

My first mini-goal is to get below 350. My pre-pregnancy weight was 342 so I’d like to get back there at least and say I have finally lost my baby weight. Even as I type these numbers, I still cannot believe my weight is in the 300′s. I must do something about this. And… I am!

Thanks for being on the journey with me!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Week Two Weigh-in

I will make it my goal to weigh in every Monday and post the results to this blog. My start date was on a Monday, so this will be accurate to a weekly weigh-in.

Today’s weight: 361
Total pounds lost: 6
Pounds lost last week: 6

Week One went smoothly! Even detoxing from all of the sugar and bread that I had been eating, so that was amazing. It’s pretty awesome how things can go smoothly when you are completely motivated to succeed! I’m a bit worried going into Week Two that I won’t lose as quickly as I have in Week One, but I have to realize I’m not in a race. Sure, I’m one of those people (like many of us) who assume when we start a new food plan and have success with it, that the weight should just drop off overnight because we want it so bad!

Note to self: Let’s live in reality shall we? and realize this isn’t going to happen overnight. Be patient! Keep on the path and you’ll eventually arrive.

Monday, September 27, 2010

The starting number... gulp

Okay, I’ve struggled with whether I wanted to admit this starting number, but really why start a blog about my weight loss journey if I’m not willing to be honest about the numbers.

My “official” starting weight for this journey is …

367 pounds.

Yep, there I said it. And if that was my *highest number ever* I might be feeling even worse, but the truth is — it’s 33 pounds less than my all-time high of 400 pounds.


Note to self: I will not let the number on the scale dictate my self-worth.

Getting Started

Today is my birthday. I turn 39.

I don’t know about you but I’m pretty weird when it comes to birthdays. Well, honestly this started about ten years ago, which I turned 29. Which I guess leads me to understand why it’s even more serious of a feeling now that I’m turning 39.

I’ve had a lot of bargains with myself. Surely you can relate.

"If I'm still (morbidly) obese when I'm 30 (35, 40..) I'll do something drastic like lap-band surgery."

"I'll start eating healthy on New Year's Day, my birthday, my son's birthday, next week, etc. and etc. and etc."

Turning 39 is another wake up call for me. But this time, I MEAN BUSINESS!! What makes it different this time?

1.) I have a child who is 15 months old. I want to live as many years as I can to enjoy life with him. He is the most important thing in my life and I need to treat myself with the same care and love that I treat him with. I don’t want to die of heart disease, diabetes, or some other preventable obesity-related disease and leave him without his mommy.

2.) I’m sick and tired of being fat! I have spent more than half of my life being morbidly obese. What kind of life is that, really? Why must I continue to fight this war day after day after day? I’m so tired of losing. I’m so tired of counting myself out on activities that I yearn to do (biking, kayaking, getting on an airplane to travel the world..). I am angry enough to do something about it.

3) I will commit to sharing my success on my blog. I’ve started blogs before but kept them hidden. This time — no hiding! I’ll bare my soul to the world now that it’s so socially acceptable. I love reading other success stories on the web. It’s my turn to join the ranks!

4) I’m pissed off at the food industry. I’m sick of all this crap in the grocery stores and at restaurants. I don’t want to be the uneducated consumer who goes about my day oblivious to all of the addictive and unhealthy crap they put in our foods today! As I learn more, I’ll share my discoveries with you.

5) I deserve to feel good about myself and to love my body.

So there we are.. there is the reasons behind the motivation. I’m serious about this. More serious than I’ve ever been. I will succeed and I will stop this vicious cycle in my life and prevent my child from following in my footsteps. Are you with me??